More Thai inspired noodles…Be like Lillard, and I think i’m ready to move to Uruguay.

Yep, last week sucked royally…haha! With trying times often comes a period of growth, I guess like “April showers brings May flowers” well add about four more months to the “showers” part if you live where I live. Cancer, racism, sexism, judgmental bias. Continue reading “More Thai inspired noodles…Be like Lillard, and I think i’m ready to move to Uruguay.”

Hollywood Farmer’s Market

When we moved here to Portland two years ago, I didn’t really know what to expect. Sure I had my ideas of what it was like, but living here has opened the door to all types of things I didn’t consider before. We live in the Northeast and benefit from many a walk-able amenity. We rent a house in the Hollywood district, where many of Beverly Cleary’s books are based. It’s a beautiful neighborhood, with tall, tree lined streets and unique architecture. I will always smile upon this period of my life, not because of its perfection…much to the contrary, more because I have started to appreciate the moment more, simple pleasures….one of those being our local farmer’s market. It doesn’t matter how lousy I feel or how tired I am, walking a few blocks to see what our local community has to offer makes me feel inspired and motivated to work on my craft.

rooty beetvana market

The feeling I get when tasting seasonal produce, or admiring the works or music of local artists is not something I could put a price on, and definitely is not something that can be experienced by a trip to Wal-mart.

romaine onion

This market is a reflection of the passion of not only the consumers, but the vendors as well. I feel like if I have to be a consumer I want to feel like I am being responsible…. and by shopping locally, I feel better about parting with my hard earned dollar, actually it is quite a nice experience, opposed the usual hum-drum shopping trip.

morrels bread herbs berry

Some say it’s “Too Expensive” to buy local….but I think its quite to contrary….you not only lose out on taste and quality but in life experience, its like the difference between driving a BMW or driving a caravan….live rich, be wealthy in experiences.

lesfleur flower bike crabby herbs


Beet eater can't wait!
Beet eater can’t wait!


I love that my kids get to have this experience while they are in their formative years….priceless.