Sorta Succotash

In life we make a lot of assumptions, this I think can be a dangerous way to filter out people or ideas. My analogy for this in a food related sense would be on a shopping trip I made the other day. I grabbed what I assumed to be regular corn, so to my amazement when I got home and began shuckin’ what lied beneath the humble husk was the most beautiful jewel toned purple and white sweet corn. Continue reading “Sorta Succotash”

Labor day chicken enchiladas

I am very sad to report our chicken “Tupac” was attacked by a racoon on Saturday and sucummed to injuries. I take death so hard, she was a great chicken and I admit it,I got attached. I probably should’ve tried to cook her but I couldn’t do it, so she is buried with a monument in the back yard. I think I would be a terrible farmer….i’d like to think i’m self reliant, but if I had to kill my own meat, I wouldn’t eat meat. Now if someone else does that stuff and I just get de-feathered and ready to cook i’m all in. Continue reading “Labor day chicken enchiladas”